Open Source Community Africa in Imo State is one of the very many efforts of passionate technologist to ensure that the gospel of getting involved with technology is rooted in Imo State.
Plans for the meetup was quickly put into motion as soon as the chapters validity was confirmed by the OSCA core team. The meetup was themed “Growing with Open Source” and talks for the day were going to be:
- Introduction to Open Source (talk delivered by Philemon)
- Open Source Tool — Git and GitHub (talk delivered by Promise)
- Understanding Open source License (talk delivered by Opara Prosper)
- Writing Good Documentation (talk delvered by Ekene Christian)
A partnership deal was struck with developer student club IMSU and the Information Communication Technology (ICT) center was secured for the meetup. Now, choosing a meetup date was feasible and eventually the 10th day of August 2018 was chosen, and the anticipation for the event was really at max as the community members of DSCIMSU made sure that Power, Internet and the Hall was available before the event date.
Application form was sent out and a twitter account was setup for publicity (@oscaimo)
The day for the event was finally here and the fire was ready to fall on the attendees. The attendees were quickly registered and settled for the big opening.
The chapter lead Opara Prosper made his opening remark, introduced the attendees to Open Source Community Africa and her vision to build the open source culture in Africa. As soon as the audience was in sync with what OSCA is about and got a sense of what to expect to take home from the event, the talks kicked off with philemon giving his Introduction to Open Source talk. philemon giving his talk
Opara Prosper built on top of that with his “Understanding open Source license talk”
Promise Preston also did justice to his talk on Git and GitHub
Finally, we had Ekene Christian give his talk on writing good documentation for Open Source projects
The event came to an end with a Q and A session and the most active participants were awarded stickers thanks to DSCIMSU and YouthforTechnology
Indeed the Open Source Seed was planted this day and the growing process is already in motion.